Have some financial problem?have no money for your education?Hey i got a good news for you..
You know that studying is now free and can be in your homes with just your computer and internet connection you can have free courses of any subject.Sounds Good are you interested??? you want to know More about MOOC??
More info of the course:The MobiMOOC course is a free, open, online course that is organized by Inge Ignatia de Waard (so no institutional affiliation), and features wonderful, mobile learning facilitators who kindly accepted to share their knowledge with anyone interested in the subject of mLearning. A great, warm applause for all facilitators: HOORAY!! And of course to all of you who make this an inspiring knowledge sharing event!
Dynamics of the course: a MOOC is all about dialogue, discussions and building upon each others experiences. We all have lived long enough to know more of certain areas than others. In a MOOC we come together to enhance our knowledge on a certain field by entering dialogues, enhancing our networks and … having fun while doing it. As such each of the resources given by the facilitators or guides-on-the-side are just possible stepping stones, not the universal truth. By gathering together each one of us will grow by communicating with each other. Looking forward to all our discussions and insights!
What is MOOC,according to there page http://mobimooc.wikispaces.com MOOC- Really short: it is a course that can be followed by anyone (Massive), which is open to all (Open), and is located online (Online) and is a Course,
This format has been used a couple of times by George Siemens and Stephen Downes.
This format has been used a couple of times by George Siemens and Stephen Downes.
System in your online Class:
- Course
- It should have some learning objectives to be achieved by students after certain activities within in a given period of time (therefore, it should have a beginning and an end). In addition, it should have some quizzes and exams to assess the knowledge acquired by students. And there should be some kind of interaction between students and teachers in every possible way (student-student and student-teacher).
- Open
- Open has several meanings in MOOCs. On one hand, the course should be open to everyone and should not require some prerequisites such as possession of a qualification or a level of performance in earlier studies. On the other hand, the access to educational resources (videos, lecture notes) should be free (but other things, like being able to ask direct questions to the teacher, the correction of the activities, or obtaining a certificate at the end of the course may have an economic cost). .Open. is also often interpreted as it does not make use of a closed learning platform, but educational resources are hosted in different places like websites, blogs, wikis, or multimedia repositories. Finally, "open" is also often interpreted as the course makes extensive use of open content, and in turn, content generated by the course is also published open so it can be reused by others. This latter interpretation of "open" is the least fulfilled nowadays, as the most successful MOOCs are organized by companies, such as Coursera or Udacity, who have little interest in sharing their courses open.
- Online
- The course is done remotely via the Internet and does not require physical attendance at a classroom. This feature is essential for anyone from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection can participate in these courses.
- Massive
- It should allow access to a very large number of students, much larger than a face-to-face class, or a traditional online course. In addition, the course should be prepared to accept changes in the number of students in several orders of magnitude, for example, going from 1,000 to 100,000 students, without a major problem for operation.
Classification of MOOCs
At the beginning, the first MOOCs had a strong and deep collaborative philosophy (cMOOCs), but this philosophy has evolved to a commercial sense (xMOOCs).
- A cMOOC emphasizes the connectivist philosophy: it is a social platform for collaboratively sharing and building knowledge within a community of people.
- An xMOOC relies on a more traditional model of education, based on lectures recorded in videos, and usually is well-financed.
- Watch the link below to know more about MOOC :D
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww0RHw2F2sY
- After Watching the Video Don't Forget To Like And Subscribe :D Hope you Enjoy :D
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